Frelighsburg, Qc – October 17, 2023. The Mount Pinnacle Land Trust (FFMP) and Appalachian Corridor are pleased to announce the acquisition of a new conservation easement in the Mount Pinnacle sector of Frelighsburg. Lise Gagné and Renaud Coulombe recently donated to the FFMP a 5.98-acre (2.42 ha) conservation easement in perpetuity on their property located in the white zone of Mount Pinnacle (mountain’s northeast sector).
The easement covers the majority of the property’s surface area, which includes two forest habitats: a maple grove with American beech and a maple grove with yellow birch. Several intermittent streams have been identified. The ecosystems present are home to several species of flora and fauna likely to be designated as threatened or vulnerable in Canada, as well as 21 species of birds, including two species of special concern.
For the donors, this is the fulfillment of a wish that has been close to their hearts for years. “As soon as we arrived in Frelighsburg, we were struck by the beauty of the natural landscapes of Mount Pinnacle and the village’s. It then became imperative for us to make a significant gesture to preserve this environment and its related ecosystems. That’s why we became members of the land trust, and subsequently began the process of securing a conservation easement on our property. It’s important that property owners who want to preserve their natural environment to know that a conservation easement can be exercised on a small area of land as well.” Lise Gagné, donor.
The success of this project was ensured by close collaboration between Appalachian Corridor and FFMP, one of its affiliated members. It was made possible thanks to the financial support of the Nature Conservancy of Canada, through its Natural Environment Partnership Project, for which the Quebec government has granted financial assistance of more than $53 million over four years.
“Located in the heart of our territory, close to two other properties we already protect, the creation of this new easement ensures connectivity and the maintenance of quality habitats for various species representative of the region. It’s a direct contribution to the preservation of the most important core habitat on our territory,” points out Danielle Dansereau, the FFMP’s administrator responsible for conservation projects.
For Mélanie Lelièvre, Executive Director of Appalachian Corridor, “there’s no such thing as a small gesture when it comes to the environment. A plot of land, even a modest one, can harbour great ecological wealth and play a major role in ecosystems. In putting forward this project, we also wanted to encourage owners of small jewels of natural environments to consider conservation options.“
Locally, this new conservation easement brings the total of land protected in perpetuity by the Mount Pinnacle Land Trust to 399 hectares (985.95 acres). Regionally, it adds to the 16,500 hectares protected by conservation groups in the Green Mountains.
The Projet de partenariat pour les milieux naturels (PPMN) is a four-year grant of more than $53 million from the Government of Quebec to the Nature Conservancy of Canada. It provides support for voluntary conservation initiatives to ensure the protection of natural areas of interest by establishing financial partnerships with conservation organizations in the province. The PPMN thus aims to develop and consolidate Québec’s network of protected areas located on private land.
The Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) is the country’s unifying force for nature. NCC seeks solutions to the twin crises of rapid biodiversity loss and climate change through large-scale, permanent land conservation. As a trusted partner, NCC works with people, communities, businesses, and government to protect and care for our most important natural areas. Since 1962, NCC has brought Canadians together to conserve and restore more than 15 million hectares, including nearly 50,000 hectares in Quebec. NCC is a registered charity. With nature, NCC builds a thriving world. To learn more, visit natureconservancy.ca
Mount Pinnacle Land Trust
Founded in 1991, Mount Pinnacle Land Trust is a charitable organization dedicated to nature conservation in the Mount Pinnacle region of Frelighsburg. To date, the Land Trust has protected 399 ha (986 acres) of land in perpetuity. As part of its “Écoute ta montagne” program, the organization periodically offers educational nature activities to local school groups and the general public. In conjunction with other local organizations, the Land Trust also organizes film screenings and lectures during events called “Soirées des possibles”, which are open to all.
Appalachian Corridor is a non-profit conservation organization which celebrated its 20th anniversary in 2022. Its mission is to protect the natural environments of the Appalachian region of southern Quebec. Through the implementation of its conservation strategy, Appalachian Corridor provides local communities with the means to maintain and restore a living environment that respects the ecology of the region from a sustainable development perspective. A total of 17 local organizations are affiliate members of Appalachian Corridor. Together, they contribute to accelerating and increasing the conservation projects carried out on the territory. Since the beginning of its activities, the extent of the areas protected by Appalachian Corridor and its partners totals more than 16,200 hectares of land forever protected – equivalent to more than the surface area of the city of Granby. www.appalachiancorridor.ca