
Eastman, QC (September 12, 2022) - Appalachian Corridor highlights the exemplary collaboration of the municipalities regarding the proposal of the Highway 10 - Ecological Connectivity Plan, which targets the optimal wildlife developments to be planned in order to restore ecological connectivity on both sides of...

Corridor appalachien tient à souligner le geste de Gail Watt pour le don d’une servitude de conservation sur sa propriété de 3,2 hectares située à Bolton-Ouest. Cet ajout conclu son 2e projet de conservation et consolide le réseau d’aires protégées de la région, notamment la...

Appalachian Corridor won three awards at the 12th edition of the Brome-Missisquoi Chamber of Commerce Excellence Gala, including the prize for Company of the Year. The conservation organization's contributions were also highlighted with the Innovation and Sustainable Development awards....