Appalachian Corridor Welcomes the Creation of the Parc des Sommets


Appalachian Corridor is pleased to learn that financial support was finally granted by the provincial government to complete the financial plan for the creation of the Parc des Sommets in Bromont. Mélanie Lelièvre, the organization’s Executive Director,  welcomes “this decision where all parties win: biodiversity, communities and, in a broader perspective, all Quebecers who will have access to this Park and enjoy the benefits of a protected natural environment. This outcome really brings hope. ”

A unique engagement from the people of Bromont

Appalachian Corridor wishes to congratulate the Government of Quebec and all the people and organizations involved who invested time and energy during all these years. First and foremost, these include members of Protégeons Bromont as well as the municipal council of Bromont who did an extraordinary job to support their community. We take this opportunity to highlight the work of the Société de conservation du Mont Brome and Nature Conservancy Canada as well as Les Amis des sentiers de Bromont for their contribution to this project. Appalachian Corridor is also very proud to have played various roles in this issue. “We served as watchdogs and rung the alarm in 2014 with the council and local community about the ecological value of this site. These extraordinary natural habitats could have been destroyed. It shows the relevance of conservation groups and the importance of knowing the territory well” continued Mélanie Lelièvre. Read the News release….