Réserve naturelle
des montagnes-vertes

Réserve naturelle des Montagnes-Vertes:
La plus grande aire protégée privée au Québec!

» WWW.RNMV.CA (in French only)

Located on the Sutton Mountain Range, the territory of the réserve naturelle des Montagnes-Vertes (RNMV) covers more than 7000 ha of natural protected areas making it the largest private natural area eastern of Saskatchewan.

At the heart of breathtaking natural habitats home to hundreds of plant and wildlife species, some 20 km of trails are open to the public and fit within a 135km network of pedestrian trails accessible to all, from occasional walkers to the fittest hikers.


Appalachian Corridor, looking after the reserve stewardship, works closely with Nature Conservancy Canada, the landowner, and other partners to ensure this precious heritage remains both protected and accessible, now and for future generations.

Les Sentiers de l’Estrie and Parc d’environnement naturel de Sutton, two organizations promoting and managing hiking trails; the Mount Echo Conservation Association and Ruiter Valley Land Trust, two local conservation organisations; the municipality of Sutton and Township of Potton as well as the Fondation Hydro-Québec pour l’environnement all contribute to this joint objective of providing public access within a magnificent reserve while respecting conservation goals and ethics.
To learn more about RNMV, watch the video (in French only)